It’s half-way into the first twelfth of 2022. It remains a new beginning. A brand new year.

“Happy New Year.” I’ve always loved this greeting and like to use it well into the month of January.

I don’t think any of us would say or wish someone “A mediocre year.” We all want our futures to shine brightly and have amazing experiences.

I’d like to share with you something that I keep tucked in my heart’s pocket that I reflect on daily.

It was a gift provided to me on New Year's Eve while my husband and I enjoyed dinner with dear friends. Toward the latter part of dinner each of us shared “One word that we would carry throughout our personal journey of 2022.”

Our evening together held the exquisite ease that accompanies a long, long friendship with the gift of three words to accompany ‘my’ word. I have four perfect and beautiful anchors for 2022.

I love when life presents something simple, beautiful and powerful.

“Happy New Year” and may you shine on and live life happily.
