Hotel Gèek. - An enthusiast or expert obsessed with seeing, staying in, and learning all-there-is-to-know about hotels and resorts

Hotels. Really?  Who in their right mind is interested in learning about hotels? Mountain City Travel Professional's are. It's our belief that time away from home is more than just sleeping in a different bed.

One component of Travel Professionals ongoing education is first-hand, up-to-date knowledge about resorts and hotels. 

Star ratings shown on websites and brochures are rarely based on North American standards, thus seeing and staying at a hotel goes a long way in providing a non-partisan rating. When inspecting hotels we look at hotels through a variety of lenses. What catches our attention based on personal taste will not be the same as another person’s, and yet again this will vary another 180 degrees for the person after that. Details matter, and minute details REALLY matter when seeking an All-Inclusive vacation experience. 

Last week I had a huge dose of Hotel Geekness in the Yucatan peninsula inspecting All-Inclusive Resorts. 12 resorts to be exact.  It's always a treat inspecting resorts at beach locales. Swimming in the ocean, walking the waters edge and test driving lounge chairs make for fairly 'cushy' research. These details are important when beach lovers ask “Is the sand powder soft or granular? Is the beach a good walking beach?" Visiting kitchens, watching chefs and kitchen staff in action, and checking out the gym (and the spa) is great fun. There are opportunities to converse, socialize and meet Hotel Managers, Wedding Co-ordinators and Group Specialists. Meeting reception, bellmen, waiters, and housekeeping staff are my favourite people to meet  - these are the individuals that have a hand in making vacations special and memorable. They are the heartbeat of a Resort. 

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Myself and Super Agent Heike, Kim and Jennifer love sharing our knowledge and recommendations when you're looking for your next perfect getaway.  Hotel Geekness and great service. It doesn’t get  than that 😆.

Yours in Travel (and Hotel Geekness). 😆
